Clinical Epidemiology
Clinical Epidemiology

Field Collection Units (FCU) in Pakistan.

Each FCU has been equipped with a -80 0C freezer, a -20 0 C freezer, a centrifuge and appropriate molecular biology grade pipettes. Supplies including blood collection tubes, cryovials, p ipette tips, gloves, bench covers, labeling tape, wipes, and towels are supplied to each FCU regularly. Lab safety supplies and glassware cleaning services are also provided. Facilities of transporting samples at dry ice from each FCU to the CCR in Karachi are also available. All freezers are plugged to emergency lines connected to a standby central generator.

Research Medical officers and field staff working at each FCU also have a dedicated clinical room enabling them to interview eligible cases and controls, administer consent and questionnaire, draw blood samples, record ECG and take measurements for blood pressure using study-specific sphygmomanometers and take anthropometric measurements using study-specific weighing scales.


Office space, computers and data-storage facility.

Computers to research associates, data-entry operators and health physicians with their personalized accounts and institutional email addresses have been provided and further facilities will be available for future staff as well. Two rooms are available for data storage and data entry purposes as well.


IRB at the CNCD, Pakistan

The institutional review board at CNCD, Pakistan is registered with the NIH (IORG005843, IRB00007048, FWA00014490). It reviews all study protocols and give

Center for Non-Communicable Diseases - Field Collection Units (FCU) in Pakistan Center for Non-Communicable Diseases - Office space, computers and data-storage facility Center for Non-Communicable Diseases - IRB at the CNCD, Pakistan Center for Non-Communicable Diseases - Clinical Epidemiology